At that time, the temperature in the hall rose sharply.

Road flyover wildfire reached a finger and a fiery fireball suddenly surged out towards Liu Hemp Cover.
The guests around were stunned by the sight.
If the fire is fierce, every fetus can be burned to death even if it is a monster. What’s worse, ordinary people wearing flammable clothes can’t escape no matter how well they practice their fists and feet.
Therefore, all the methods of fire control are involved, but the road of wildfire Taoist seems to be combined with instruments and soldiers are full of spirituality
Seeing the fireball coming head-on, Liu hemp’s eyes were cold and he swung his left elbow and lifted his feet to step forward.
The fireball crashed and burst.
The fire dispersed a little, but it was a wildfire. After the road flyover carried the sword and fireball, it stabbed Liu Hemp’s helmet in the eye.
The guests saw the clue that the fireball was not powerful enough to interfere with the line of sight and looked for flaws
However, Liu hemp had already expected to smash the fireball and wave the flail with his right hand to roar at a Liao suddenly and fiercely.
Flail, a weapon with a short stick and a hammer chain, is the best at breaking the shield. Once wielded, it is indestructible, especially the military weapon is more powerful.
Seeing that the road flyover wildfire will be smashed to the whole person, the flames will be scattered.
At the same time, I don’t know when a fireball has already wound around Liu Cannabis’s back. Road flyover Liu Cannabis stabbed out of the fireball and went straight to Liu Cannabis’s right eye.
Liu hemp flail has been castrated, but he doesn’t panic, twisting his neck and stabbing his helmet with a sword
Qiang Qiang!
A crisp tip is broken by leaving a blank space and printing roots.
In a short time, you come and I go back to each other.
Guo Luquan looked straight at it. "Gee, this wildfire Taoist has learned fire escape. No wonder he can make a name for himself. Although Liu’s hemp armor is strong, he is not good at fighting in Jianghu. I’m afraid he will lose."
Wang Xuan shook his head slightly. "That’s not certain."
Although this broken armor is a blood pagoda army, its power is greatly reduced after leaving the army, but after all, it is a body weapon. Who knows what will be weird?
Unconsciously, the field has attacked several moves.
Road flyover wildfire relies on fire escape technique, and its posture is quick, just like a salamander wandering around and searching for flaws in Liu hemp.
The so-called long-term defense will be lost. Liu’s hemp armor is heavy, and finally he can’t avoid being stabbed in the eye by the sword of the wildfire Taoist.
However, Liu Cannabis suddenly roars with a stare.
Like thunder, the crowd burst into a trance, as if they had seen a tiger-like beast in the lotus flower and opened their eyes to terror.
Wang Xuan instantly woke up and murmured, "Fu Ya Sha Wheel?"
Military strategists’ forging skills have made it possible to attach the demon wheel to weapons at the beginning, and a layer of ambush demon wheel can make their spirit infect the demon wheel, kill the ghost and shock the enemy’s mind.
Liu marijuana obviously didn’t condense the V-arrow wheel, which should be the power of broken armor.
Road flyover wildfire in the hall also immediately awake.
However, it was this short moment that he came and didn’t dodge being hit by a heavy hammer in the chest. Everyone heard a crack, and the road flyover vomited blood and flew out.
Going …
Smash a few chairs along the way
Road flyover Wildfire fell to the ground, his chest sagged, accompanied by several blood holes, his throat giggled and his eyes quickly lost their luster.
The guests stepped back and looked at the building.
Tang Xiong’s eyes suddenly became cloudy and uncertain. "Come and converge on the wildfire. The body of the Taoist friend will be placed!"
Then he turned to look at Liu Xuan. "Tang lost this game."
Liu Xuan sneered, "You’re lucky, Brother Tang, and you’ve saved the reward of the wildfire Taoist."
Tang Xiong gave him a cold look and then handed it to Fang, saying, "Wildfire Brother’s reward and pension Tang will be handed over to the younger generation, so please be supervised by your peers."
He knew Liu Xuanji himself.
He owes a lot of money for losing this time.
But that’s how rivers and lakes are. You have to do whatever you set up, win or lose, you are not afraid of being beaten, you have to stand at attention, but when you become a laughing stock, you will turn over completely.
Liu Xuan laughed, "Brother Tang is heroic!"
Say two people looked at the white beard road at the same time.
According to the agreement, if the outcome is tied, the final game will be decided by the General Hall.
White beard road smiled indifferently. "Then let’s play another game."
Tang Xiongma answered and sneered, "Liu Tangzhu, after all, is you and me fighting for Tang’s brilliant idea of wanting to learn from you!"
Wang Xuan was calm but lamented in his heart.
Tonight, in the first game of gambling, Luo Laowai took the opportunity to make a name for himself, and in the second game, Liu Xuanji succeeded. Now Tang Xiong has used words to scare Liu Xuan to avoid Liu Hemp’s blood pagoda, and sure enough, the Jianghu routine is getting deeper and better.
I haven’t waited for him to sigh, so it’s convenient to ring Liu Hemp. "Isn’t Wang Leng going to stand up for others? Come on!"
Chapter 47 The silver bullet smashed the heavy armor and brushed the clothes away
"Come on!"
When he appeared, they suddenly looked strange.
The eye situation is very simple. Liu Cannabis fights with armor, and even the road flyover wildfire is born to die and Tang Xiong. It is natural to avoid the sharp edge and speak loudly to Liu Xuan.
When Tang Xiong was young, he used to run darts, and he became a master of the four seas. Although he rarely started his work, he dared to cross the river with raptors.
This is an open plan
Liu Xuanre may be defeated by the battle.
Liu Xuanre won’t dare to fight for this again if he doesn’t fight.
But no one thought that Liu marijuana was ignorant.
No matter what Wang Xuan thinks, today here represents Tang Xiongtai Liu marijuana, and this roar will turn the situation upside down again
Wang Xuanshen in all eyes instantly.

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**药用价值:** E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 1. **清热解毒:** 连翘是清热解毒的佳品,主要针对热病引起的发热、烦躁、口渴等症状。 2. **消痈散结:** 连翘具有消痈散结的功效,可用于治疗痈肿疮毒、瘰疬、痰核等。 3. **疏散风热:** 连翘善于疏散风热,对于外感风热感冒、头痛、咽痛等症有较好的疗效。 4. **利尿消肿:** 连翘具有利尿消肿的作用,可用于治疗小便不利、水肿等症状。 5. **抗炎、抗菌:** 连翘具有抗炎、抗菌作用,对多种革兰氏阴性菌和阳性菌有抑制作用。 6. **保护心血管系统:** 连翘可保护心血管系统,改善心肌收缩力,纠正内毒素休克等。 **具体效果:** 1. **治疗急性风热感冒:** 连翘可以与金银花、菊花等药材搭配,用于治疗急性风热感冒。 2. **治疗痈肿疮毒:** 连翘可以与蒲公英、野菊花等药材搭配,用于治疗痈肿疮毒。 3. **治疗淋巴结结核:** 连翘可以与夏枯草、元参等药材搭配,用于治疗淋巴结结核。 4. **治疗尿路感染:** 连翘可以与竹叶、白茅根等药材搭配,用于治疗尿路感染。 5. **治疗乳痈:** 连翘可以与蒲公英、川贝母等药材搭配,用于治疗乳痈。 6. **治疗口舌生疮:** 连翘可以与黄柏、甘草等药材搭配,用于治疗口舌生疮。 7. **治疗小儿高烧:** 连翘可以与防风、甘草、山栀子等药材搭配,用于治疗小儿高烧。 需要注意的是,连翘虽具有多种药用价值,但并非所有人都适合使用。脾胃虚弱、气虚发热、痈疽已溃、脓稀色淡者应忌服连翘。孕妇、产妇、婴幼儿、年老体弱者在服用连翘前应咨询医生。在使用连翘时,请务必遵循医嘱,切勿自行随意用药。

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1E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **补气固表**:黄芪能够补益人体之气,增强机体抵抗力,对于气虚乏力、中气下陷等症状有显著的治疗效果。 2. **敛汗固脱**:适用于治疗因气虚引起的自汗,对于久泻脱肛、便血崩漏等症状也有一定的缓解作用。 3. **托疮生肌**:对于痈疽难溃、久溃不敛等外科病症,黄芪能够帮助托毒外出,促进伤口愈合。 4. **利水消肿**:黄芪可以利水消肿,对于脾虚水湿运化不利所导致的浮肿、尿少等症状有改善作用。 5. **增强免疫功能**:黄芪能够增强机体的免疫功能,对于提高抵抗力、预防感冒等疾病有积极作用。 6. **保肝作用**:黄芪具有一定的保肝作用,能够保护肝脏,减轻肝损伤。E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 7. **利尿作用**:有助于排除体内多余水分,对于治疗水肿等症有一定效果。 8. **抗衰老、抗应激**:黄芪具有抗衰老、抗应激的作用,有助于改善身体状况。 9. **降压和调节血糖**:黄芪对高血压和糖尿病有一定的辅助治疗作用,能够调节血糖和血压。 10E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **抗菌作用**:黄芪具有一定的抗菌作用,可以用于治疗一些感染性疾病。 适宜人群:黄芪特别适合气虚脾湿型的人群,如经常感到疲劳、免疫力低下、脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、便溏等症状的人群。 禁忌人群:患有腹胀、风热咳嗽、感冒、表实邪盛、气滞湿阻、食积停滞、痈疽初起、溃后热毒尚盛等症的人群,以及阴虚阳亢者应避免食用黄芪。 食用黄芪时,一般建议用量为一天9-30克,泡水饮用最佳时间为10-20分钟,可以反复冲泡。同时,建议在专业中医师的指导下使用黄芪,以确保安全有效。

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