"Mr. Lu is here." Xiaobei came panting as if he hadn’t seen his own Mr. Lu just now.

Section 333
Gu Zhenglin glanced at him. "What are you running for?"
Xiaobei opened his mouth and closed his mouth twice. "Sir Zhong, I was wrong."
Although I don’t know where Sir Zhong’s anger came from, it’s right to admit your mistake
Sure enough, when you finish this, you will see Gu Zhenglin picking one from her brow slightly. Instead of asking about it, she asked, "What is she doing here? Is the play finished? "
Miaoying took a play a month ago and joined the group. Almost everyone around Gu Zhenglin knows that this is the only contact between Sir Zhong and others at present.
Xiaobei scratched his head and blushed a little and said, "I think I should have heard that your source here said that Miss Lu came directly by plane."
Although few people know about Mr. Zhong and Miss Shen, it’s good to keep secrets, but it’s different. There must be some sources who have been hanging around Mr. Zhong for so long
"Well-informed" Gu Zhenglin understood Xiaobei’s meaning and his tone was ambiguous.
Xiaobei looked up and asked, "Do you want to see Mr. Then?"
"Let her go home."
Gu Zhenglin gave a hand and lifted his foot and left directly.
Xiaobei looked at Sir Zhong’s direction and looked back at Shen Xinyu’s bedroom direction, clutching his heart and sighing, and said, "This Sir Zhong may have really moved on."
Miaoying waited outside the manor for a long time, but no one could finally leave.
It’s been a long night, but several people are destined to sleep
Shen Xinyu took a shower and changed clothes. She was lying in bed, exhausted and nervous, but she couldn’t sleep. There was no Tang Shiyan and no hemp ball. She was like returning to the days when she was just born again. She couldn’t close her eyes.
However, in my mind, it is no longer the nightmares of past lives, but the scenes and pictures of Tang Shiyan. The man is serious and serious, and the corners of his mouth gently evoke a gentle voice in her ear. Every time he wants to educate her, he can’t hold back his smile.
They have been together for more than a year and a half, which is the first time that it really means nothing. It is because she wants to be quiet unilaterally, because judging from the reaction in the evening, Tang Shiyan may not know what happened at all, and she will be angry.
I don’t know how long it took Shen Xinyu to sit up from the bed and touch out his mobile phone from the changing clothes.
It’s two o’clock in the morning, because there will be a formal class today. Many teachers and classmates send messages to inform her. In addition, Lu Yanzhou and Xia Mimiao also sent her two.
Speaking of Xia Miao, since Shen Xinyu came to Beijing North to study, the opportunity for two people to meet each other is rare. Because the campus is far away, it is difficult for them to agree on the curriculum. Most of them are WeChat and keep in touch.
Liu Yanzhou sent her a message asking where she was and how she was doing. After Gu Zhenglin went to the hospital, he kicked Liu Yanzhou out, and he didn’t know much about it.
Shen Xinyu thought about it and replied a message to them respectively, and then she left the page and slowly read her Weibo fans’ messages.
At two o’clock in the morning, there are still many people who are still awake. Some fans will leave messages on her latest status, others will send her private messages, just like daily chats, such as what? I’m listening to your songs, and I’m preparing to lose sleep, and I’m also telling what I’m doing, such as Yu Yu. I’m going to meet my boyfriend in a car, and I’m going to give him a surprise. I just want to talk to you after listening to your songs, and I don’t know if you will see it.
I’m a senior three dog. I’m reviewing my lessons while listening to your songs. If I pass the exam, I want to go to college. I’m going to find you in Jingyin this summer vacation. I hope God will give me a chance to see you.
Yu Yu, how can there be such a beautiful person like you in this world? It’s good to have a good voice and a fairy spirit. I love you so much.
Yu Yu, do you know that you saved my life? I have already planned to give up and want to leave this world, but I saw you, and you quietly sang a song there, which made me see the hope of living again.
Yu Yu, when are you going to have a concert? Shang Yan, I really want to go to the scene to watch and get excited.
It’s hard to form a feeling that all kinds of people get together because they like her, and for a moment, Shen Xinyu suddenly understood the meaning of idol.
It’s not for an individual, but for people to seek a touch of color and add a touch of adjustment in their boring life. They like a person to grow up with this kind of companionship, and they are enthusiastic, but they don’t need him to respond in return.
After browsing nearly 10,000 pieces of information, Shen Xinyu rubbed her sour eyes and saw that it was almost dawn. She picked up her mobile phone and took a picture reflected in the glass and sent it with a paragraph of text.
Thank you for liking it. I am willing to take this brand-new love to the night cats again.
4: 30 in the morning
When this news came out, Shen Xinyu’s Weibo face suddenly exploded. Most of them were people who didn’t sleep and asked them if this was a flop. Yu Yu, did you see their message?
Shen Xinyu gently pressed the phone.
She looked down at her belly and slightly hooked her mouth. She thought that her generation was different after all.
Miss Shen finally gave birth to her own enterprising spirit.
We, Mr. Tang, let it out
Two more at half past ten.
Chapter one hundred Whether you can keep the child depends on these three months.
If former Shen Xinyu always sings for the sake of singing, then today she accepts it from the bottom of her heart and wants to do well.
Lonely people are eager to be in the middle of the crowd.
Less than two minutes after Weibo released Shen Xinyu on the windowsill, the girl looked down at her eyelashes and gently closed them.
It’s Tang Shiyan
You called so soon because you saw her sending a message?
After waiting for a few minutes, I didn’t answer the screen, then turned on Shen Xinyu. I waited for a long time and finally got through with a stroke of my finger.
Tang Shiyan didn’t seem to react. He paused for two seconds. When he saw the words, he turned on the tense and slightly hoarse voice. "Baby!"

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**药用价值:** E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 1. **清热解毒:** 连翘是清热解毒的佳品,主要针对热病引起的发热、烦躁、口渴等症状。 2. **消痈散结:** 连翘具有消痈散结的功效,可用于治疗痈肿疮毒、瘰疬、痰核等。 3. **疏散风热:** 连翘善于疏散风热,对于外感风热感冒、头痛、咽痛等症有较好的疗效。 4. **利尿消肿:** 连翘具有利尿消肿的作用,可用于治疗小便不利、水肿等症状。 5. **抗炎、抗菌:** 连翘具有抗炎、抗菌作用,对多种革兰氏阴性菌和阳性菌有抑制作用。 6. **保护心血管系统:** 连翘可保护心血管系统,改善心肌收缩力,纠正内毒素休克等。 **具体效果:** 1. **治疗急性风热感冒:** 连翘可以与金银花、菊花等药材搭配,用于治疗急性风热感冒。 2. **治疗痈肿疮毒:** 连翘可以与蒲公英、野菊花等药材搭配,用于治疗痈肿疮毒。 3. **治疗淋巴结结核:** 连翘可以与夏枯草、元参等药材搭配,用于治疗淋巴结结核。 4. **治疗尿路感染:** 连翘可以与竹叶、白茅根等药材搭配,用于治疗尿路感染。 5. **治疗乳痈:** 连翘可以与蒲公英、川贝母等药材搭配,用于治疗乳痈。 6. **治疗口舌生疮:** 连翘可以与黄柏、甘草等药材搭配,用于治疗口舌生疮。 7. **治疗小儿高烧:** 连翘可以与防风、甘草、山栀子等药材搭配,用于治疗小儿高烧。 需要注意的是,连翘虽具有多种药用价值,但并非所有人都适合使用。脾胃虚弱、气虚发热、痈疽已溃、脓稀色淡者应忌服连翘。孕妇、产妇、婴幼儿、年老体弱者在服用连翘前应咨询医生。在使用连翘时,请务必遵循医嘱,切勿自行随意用药。

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