"Who did you eat?"

I found that the girl didn’t wake up, but was talking nonsense in her dream. Tang Shiyan seemed to be interested. She leaned over the bed and slowly asked
Section 16
The girl’s well-proportioned breathing face flushed a little. If it weren’t for those two beautiful eyebrows frowning, I’m afraid she would really doubt her auditory hallucination.
But I’m talking to a dreamer, and he drank a little too much today.
Nai shook his head and just thought about leaving.
"I don’t know"
In the Tang Dynasty, Yan made a stiff move "…"
"They’re all gone."
The pink lip lip is moving, and the light words overflow from there, which inexplicably attracts the attention of the men’s department.
After watching for a long time, the man approached again with a smile. "What do you see?"
This time, the girl didn’t answer her frown again, and then she suddenly got angry and was left with the back of her head.
Tang Shiyan can’t help laughing at his brow.
My girl still has a temper when she dreams.
After being re-tucked, Tang Shiyan turned on the lamp for a day’s entertainment, and now he is a little tired. "Don’t go."
A small hand suddenly grabbed the man’s wrist and Tang Shiyan’s brow sank and looked at it.
When the girl didn’t know it, she earned her slender arms and legs, and she was about to fall out of bed because she wanted to catch him.
"Say it again?"
Tang Shiyan buckled her wrist and her voice was as dull as ever, whether she meant it or not. After all, he was a normal man.
It’s also a promise that a man who has no intention of abstinence will make before, just for fear of scaring her.
Force a girl not to cut it, but if she wants to …
But before he could move further, he saw the girl arch in the direction where he was sitting and put her arm around his wrist and fell asleep.
Early the next morning
Shen Xinyu just woke up and realized that she turned over on Sunday and planned to go back to sleep.
She opened her eyes again.
Wait, this isn’t her room! ?
Tang Shiyan activities some pins and needles wrist pillow looked at her.
"You, you and me …"
Shen Xinyu rose from the bed and sat up. "Why am I here?"
Wasn’t she doing a problem yesterday?
This reaction seems to be much better than Tang Shiyan expected. He or she will run like a rabbit.
Thumb pressing eyebrows Tang Shiyan held his arm out for a night and waved it in front of the girl’s eyes. "Maybe someone didn’t have enough to eat yesterday?"
I have been holding his arm.
There are several indentations in the robust forearm.
Shen Xinyu’s face went up and his eyes flashed.
No wonder she didn’t dream yesterday, as if she was still holding on to something …
"Now that you are hungry, get up and have breakfast." Tang Shiyan sat up with a smile in his deep voice and raised his hand to see.
There was a meeting this morning, but now it’s too late, and I don’t know if I’m taking the nerve to lie in with a little girl because I don’t do important business
Assistant Li has been waiting in the building for nearly half an hour, anxiously turning around and rubbing his hands all the time. This is a two-billion-dollar project. How can you say that if you postpone it, you won’t be afraid of the other party’s remorse?
Is the president sleeping in?
That’s impossible, Grandpa Tang. Has Major Tang ever been late when it’s windy, snowy or rainy?
"Assistant Li has a cup of tea." The housekeeper said with a smile.
"Oh, no, I can’t sit." Assistant Li has a headache and rubs his forehead.
The housekeeper held back a smile and looked at the back of the living room, then turned his head and said, "Mr. Tang knows."
Assistant Li nodded. It is natural for the boss to know, but he still can’t help but worry.
Looking at the building again, I found that there was still a man sitting in the living room talking and laughing with a servant.
"Hey, who is that boy?"
"That’s Miss Shen’s tutor," said the housekeeper.
Miss Shen?
Section 17
Assistant Li looked at the housekeeper’s mind and something flashed by.
The first thing I saw when I was in Tang Shiyan Building was the sofa Cheng Xiaotian, a boy dressed in white sports, who looked beautiful and sunny.
The pace is slightly stagnant
The housekeeper hurriedly trotted over.
"Mr. Tang, assistant Li went to the car and waited. This is Cheng Xiaotian, who arrived early in the morning and is currently studying law at B University."
Tang Shiyan slightly thoughtfully look at the past.
"Good morning, Mr. Tang." Cheng Xiaotian had already got up from the sofa and greeted him with a little smile.
He looks good and his grades are good, but he didn’t expect that little boy to be like this today.
The brow is barely visible.
"Well, stay and have dinner with Aunt Wu at noon."
"Well, thank you, Mr. Tang"

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1. **营养价值**: – **蛋白质**:猪舌头含有丰富的蛋白质,对于增强体质、修复组织、促进生长发育都有积极作用。 – **脂肪**:猪舌头中的脂肪含量适中,可以提供能量,同时也有助于脂溶性维生素的吸收。 – **矿物质**:猪舌头含有钙、磷、铁等矿物质,有助于骨骼生长和造血功能。 – **维生素**:猪舌头含有一定量的B族维生素,如维生素B1、B2、B6等,有助于维持神经系统健康和能量代谢。 2. **食疗功效**: – **滋阴补肾**:中医认为猪舌头具有滋阴补肾的作用,适用于肾虚、腰膝酸软等症状。 – **养血润燥**:猪舌头有助于养血润燥,适用于血虚引起的面色苍白、头晕眼花等症状。 – **增强免疫力**:猪舌头中的蛋白质和维生素等营养成分有助于增强机体免疫力,预防疾病。 3. **食用方法**: – **红烧猪舌头**:将猪舌头煮熟后,切片红烧,可加入生姜、大葱、八角、桂皮等调料,具有温中散寒、补虚强身的作用。 – **卤猪舌头**:将猪舌头煮熟后,用卤水浸泡,口感鲜美,具有补中益气、健脾胃的功效。 – **猪舌头汤**:将猪舌头与瘦肉、姜片等一起煲汤,可补虚养血,适用于气血不足的人群。 E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 需要注意的是,猪舌头虽然具有一定的食疗价值,但也不宜过量食用。同时,对于某些特殊体质的人群,如患有皮肤病、腹泻等,应避免食用猪舌头。在食用前,建议咨询专业医生或营养师的建议。

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1. **滋补肝肾**:枸杞具有滋补肝肾的作用,可以增强肾脏功能,对因肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有一定的改善作用。 2E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **明目养眼**:枸杞中含有丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素,对保护眼睛、改善视力有显著效果,适合用眼过度的人群。 3. **增强免疫力**:枸杞可以提高人体的免疫功能,增强机体抵抗力,对预防感冒和其他疾病有一定的帮助。 4. **抗疲劳**:枸杞能够提高人体机能,缓解疲劳,对于经常加班的上班族来说,饮用枸杞茶可以缓解工作压力,提高工作效率。 5. **防癌抗癌**:枸杞能够有效抑制癌细胞的扩散,提高免疫功能,对于预防癌症有一定的积极作用。 6. **降血糖、降血脂**:枸杞中的活性成分具有降糖、降脂作用,对于糖尿病患者和高血脂患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。 7E:\bca\图片\u=730840959,2119350064&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **美容养颜**:枸杞中的维生素C和天然胡萝卜素等成分能够抗氧化,延缓衰老,对皮肤健康有益。 8. **调节血糖和血脂**:枸杞中的多糖和黄酮类化合物等成分有助于调节血糖和血脂,降低心脑血管疾病的风险。 9. **抗衰老**:枸杞中的多种营养成分有助于延缓衰老,提高皮肤弹性,减少皮肤皱纹。E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 10. **改善睡眠**:枸杞泡茶有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦有一定的缓解作用。 需要注意的是,虽然枸杞泡茶有很多好处,但并不是所有人都适合饮用。例如,正在感冒发烧、身体有炎症、腹泻的人应避免食用枸杞。此外,枸杞泡茶应适量饮用,过量可能会导致身体不适。健康的成年人每天食用20克左右的枸杞较为适宜。

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E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 1E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **滋阴补肾**:鸽子汤被认为具有滋阴补肾的作用,适合肾虚、腰膝酸软、夜尿频多的人群。 2. **养颜美容**:鸽子肉富含胶原蛋白,常吃鸽子汤有助于补充皮肤所需的营养,达到养颜美容的效果。 3. **增强免疫力**:鸽子汤中含有丰富的氨基酸和微量元素,有助于提高人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。 4. **改善睡眠**:有些人认为鸽子汤有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦、睡眠质量不佳的人群有一定的辅助作用。 5. **调节肠胃**:鸽子汤具有温和的健脾养胃作用,对于消化不良、食欲不振等肠胃问题有一定的改善作用。 6. **补充体力**:鸽子汤含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,对于体力劳动者或需要补充能量的人群有很好的作用。 需要注意的是,虽然鸽子汤有诸多益处,但并非所有人都适合食用。以下人群应谨慎食用或避免食用: 1. 对鸽子或其他禽类过敏的人群。E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 2. 患有皮肤病、感冒发热等急性疾病的人群。 3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女等特殊人群应在医生指导下食用。 总之,鸽子汤作为一种传统汤品,具有一定的营养价值,但食用时应注意个人体质和健康状况。

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