After going back late, Muchen told Lin Qiao what Wu Miao did during the day today.

"You mean that Wu Miao was able to create an opportunity to get closer to you during the day and went to your car to’ touch porcelain’?" Lin Qiao was very surprised that she really didn’t think it could happen in real life.
"Yes," Muchen silently nodded and glanced at Lin Qiao’s expression and quickly explained, "But don’t worry, I gave it to Li Tezhu to solve the problems that I didn’t intervene in. Finally, you worried about those problems."
Mu Chen didn’t say what Lin Qiao was worried about, but Lin Qiao sighed deeply. Some Nai said, "I thought a lot about the way Wu Miao tried to get close to you, but I really didn’t expect that she actually took such a chat method. Does she mean that you, the president of a regiment, will be cheated by such means?"
Mu Chen thought deeply and said seriously, "Maybe she thinks she is as beautiful as a fairy, but beauty makes me forget those means so flawed that I don’t even want to take a look?"
Looking at Muchen’s serious expression and hearing such ironic words, Lin Qiao shook his head puzzled and didn’t know how to answer.
That Wu Miao doesn’t look like a wise man, and Lin Qiao thinks that IQ is not a genius, but it is a little better than ordinary people. So there are some questions and ideas like Wu Miao that she definitely has no answers.
When they smiled at each other, they took it as a joke, but in private, Muchen and Lin Qiao were secretly on the alert.
Wu Miao is still waiting patiently for the opportunity. It’s not a long time to wait. The opportunity will come soon. After knowing the news, Wu Miao suddenly became heart-warming.
This opportunity is the 30th wedding anniversary celebration of Xue Han’s parents.
No one like Wu attended this celebration, but because Wu Miao knew Muchen would definitely attend this banquet, Wu Fu was specially asked to get an invitation.
Although the Wu family’s practice has made many people feel ashamed, the Wu family is indeed very rich. After some hard work, they still got a piece of Wu family of four who can come to the scene.
After Wu Miao knew that the horse could meet Muchen, he carefully chose a gift for himself, hoping that if there was a dance link, he could dance with Muchen.
The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny. I wonder if Wu Miao still has such a good attitude to choose ornaments and jewelry after seeing Mu Chen’s practice at the scene.
The body of the Chapter 51 Xue family banquet
Chapter 51 Xue family banquet
Wu Miao, prepare a suitable gift for yourself. Lin Qiao is naturally the same. Make good preparations for this banquet. Even if Lin Qiaolai is not due to Mu family reasons, he and Xue are good friends, and his heart should be on this matter.
It’s good to see Lin Qiao and Xue getting better and Fu Ruliu is naturally happy.
Is this a gift selection or do you need to make a good choice? Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if you hit the shirt that day.
"I really don’t know what to wear," Lin Qiao couldn’t help saying when Isabella came back. "I wish I had a choice, but now if it’s customized, I’m afraid I’ll go directly to buy words and I’m afraid I’ll bump my shirt."
For this banquet of Xue family, Lin Qiao also valued Isabella. She looked at Lin Qiao at a loss and thought for a moment with a frown. She hesitated and said, "If you believe me, I will draw a design draft for you tonight, and I will almost come out in three to five days."
Lin Qiao stared blankly at Isabella’s eyes, as if she had seen the savior.
"Good!" Isabella can also hear from Lin Qiao’s tone that she is very happy now. "Then please give it to you. There is no problem in your house!" Won’t it delay your renovation? "
"No, besides, I’m going to attend this banquet. Dress you up and I’ll meet you when we talk."
As soon as Isabella said this, Lin Qiao couldn’t help laughing and said, "Then please, by the way, what are you going to do?"
Isabella was invited because of Lin Qiao. Lin Qiao and Isabella are nice and good-looking with Xue Ranran. Xue Ranran gave her an invitation.
"Don’t worry! I am a designer, can I still be less polite? There is definitely something to wear. Don’t worry about it. "
Isabella designed a dress for herself to wear today and Leo’s wedding anniversary. Now that she is divorced, it is an ordinary gift. It can be sent to the venue with a slight modification.
Since Isabella has promised this matter, she will naturally do it carefully. When Lin Qiao saw it early the next day, Isabella handed me a drawing.
I didn’t expect it to be done one night. Lin Qiao was very surprised when he took the drawing!
Fu Ruliu saw Isabella get up early in the morning and gave Lin Qiao a piece of paper. He was very curious and said, "What’s the matter? Do you have anything interesting? "
This led to Lin Hao also looking forward to running to Lin Qiao’s side and saying, "Mom! What did Isabella give you? Is it a small gift? "
Lin Qiao smiled and touched Lin Hao’s little head and then said to Fu Ruliu, "Isn’t the horse going to the Xue family party?" I’m really not sure about the style of the gift. Isabella asked for help. She just drew me a drawing and prepared to do it herself. "
"Come?" Fu Ruliu sat there with some concerns in his eyes and said, "There is also the problem of cloth. Isabella still doesn’t know much about it! Can you buy the right cloth? "
Fu Ruliu, a good friend of Susan, still knows something about making clothes.
"No problem. I brought some good cloth just for Xiao Qiao when I returned home." Isabella didn’t feel bad about Lin Qiao as one of her own.
Lin Qiao didn’t say anything, but he was thinking about what to buy Isabelle as a gift. People helped themselves because they were friends, but they couldn’t help but remember their kindness for this reason.
Glancing at Isabella’s design drawings, Fu Ruliu suddenly became interested. She really didn’t expect this Isabella to paint so vividly and had a unique sense of design.
"Do you know Susan, the famous designer who designs wedding dresses?" Fu Ruliu consciousness wants to introduce Isabella to Susan.
Isabella nodded and smiled when she heard the name. "How can you not know each other?"? I like this designer best. "
"Isabella, you always said that your favorite designer was Aunt Su?" Lin Qiao leng a this just to react before listening to Isabella said that name and now hear the name seems to be no difference.
"Little Joe, is your wedding dress Master Susan?" Isabella this just react suddenly some envy nodded.
See Isabella nodded and her eyes were full of envy. Fu Ruliu smiled. "Isabella, if you like Susan to design the Xue family banquet, I can introduce you to Susan, who is my friend."
Isabella leng a look to the Fu Ruliu eyes full of surprises "really? Thank you, aunt! "

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