"The second message is to ask Su Yun to wait and go to her when he is finished with his work."

Things behind don’t Liang Rui said Meng Yunan strung together the cause and effect.
Two years ago, on March 15th, Shen Zhou Su Yun just got married for half a year. The relationship should be the sweetest stage. Su Yun’s birthday was celebrated in a restaurant. As a result, Shen Zhou was "busy with business" and then booked a room at Lanting Hotel to spend the night with Su Yun.
Finally, Shen Zhou didn’t show up in that room, but Meng Yunan did.
Liang Rui didn’t speak Meng Yunan smiled and said "interesting".
Liang Rui said, "At first, I didn’t find Yao Danxi, but when I was investigating people around Shen Zhou two years ago, I happened to find him. A designer named Yao Danxi took photos in several entertainment newspapers, but I couldn’t tell whether he was a friend or a brilliant but careful investigation before I knew that Shen Zhou and Yao Danxi knew Su Yun. The first two had been in contact for three or four years and were male and female friends."
"Yao Danxi went abroad for more than a year a few years ago, and the two seemed to have broken up. In that period, Shen Zhou met Miss Su and soon got married. It was not long before Yao Danxi appeared frequently around Shen Zhou. Although the two people were secretive, they could not be traced. If they had met, they could find out."
"It’s easy to find that night after finding out that Yao Danxi and Shen Zhou are special … but her phone records of Shen Zhou can’t be found in the text message. Miss Su and Shen Zhou divorced six months after the birth of the star. Although Yao Danxi and Shen Zhou were not announced, they soon went out in pairs and interacted in public. It’s also a fact."
Meng Yunan didn’t speak again, but bent his forefinger and knocked on the desktop one by one.
Liang Rui didn’t speak there.
After half a minute, Meng Yunan suddenly got up and picked up a suit jacket and put it on his arm with a light smile. "It seems that I am the designer of Yao, and it’s really doomed love."
"In that case, let’s send them a gift."
Meng Yunan strode out Liang Rui one leng consciousness to go.
Meeting ceremony? To whom? Shen Zhou and Yao Danxi?
Liang Rui can’t figure out the truth by rights. Meng Yunan should settle accounts with them. How can he give gifts?
Of course, Liang Rui will soon know … what is that gift?
After that, Shen Zhou and Meng Yunan fought so hard that Liang Rui had to sigh with emotion.
Although Su Yun and Meng Yunan didn’t have any feelings for her at that time, didn’t Meng Yunan have any feelings for her, but everything in the world was unpredictable?
Who would have thought that one day Meng Yunan and Shen Zhou would have a Su Yun between them?
And this woman has special feelings for both of them.
It really is doomed love.
When Meng Yunan called Su Yun, she was half an hour short of class. Meng Yunan said directly, "Is it an honor for Miss Su to invite you to lunch?"
Su Yunwu didn’t have class, so she planned to go home to eat. She politely refused, "Thank you, Mr. Meng. I didn’t have class at noon and went home to eat at noon."
Meng Yunan way "you still have half an hour? I’ll wait for you at the school gate. "
Say that finish just hung up the words Su Yun holding a mobile phone a sign leng this is really …
She rubbed her eyebrows and waited until after work to see Meng Yunan’s car outside the gate.
Su Yun hesitated over there. Meng Yunan had pulled the door and made a "please" gesture to her. At this moment, it was noon. Meng Yunan’s car was valuable, and people were handsome and uncommon. It was hard to attract attention. Su Yun saw that teachers and parents had seen it. She was busy and walked quickly.
Meng Yunan blocked the roof of the car for her. Su Yun felt deeply when he saw him. This is really a master of love, but it’s killing me to show the charm of a gentleman everywhere without the slightest extra line.
Su Yun slightly nai sat in the car and dared not turn to look at Meng Yunan.
Meng Yunan leisurely leaned there as if every time two people get along alone, Su Yun was nervous and guarded against Meng Yunan’s relaxation and obedience.
Meng Yunan naturally noticed this, but he didn’t care about Su Yun at all … He didn’t have any extra feelings, and his identity was just a star mother or … Shen Zhou’s ex-wife
These two identities add up to something that makes Meng Yunan very interested.
Meng Yunan’s order is that Su Yun, a high-grade and elegant western restaurant environment, went all the way in else. At the moment, he didn’t show any tension, but he was very indifferent.
After Meng Yunan took a seat unexpectedly, Mr. Meng Yunan gave Su Yun the menu and smiled, "Miss Su is welcome to order whatever she likes."
Su Yun looked up at him and nodded "OK".
Then she really ordered it according to her taste. After the waiter left with the menu, Meng Yunan laughed gently and said, "Miss Su is really a straightforward person."
Su Yun said, "Well, Mr. Meng was also the first to comment on me like this."
Meng Yunan leng a slight frown … How do you hear this familiar?
Su Yun calmly drank the juice and ignored Meng Yunan’s reaction.
After Meng Yunan remembered it, he was really surprised. I can’t tell … This woman looks gentle and soft, but she also has such a glib tongue.
Meng Yunan smiled and said, "So … am I the first person to find this advantage of Miss Su?"
Su Yun almost choked her nai shook her head and compared it with Meng Yunan’s eloquence … She even couldn’t catch up with several generations of practice.
Su Yun also smiled and said softly, "Well, it should be."
Meng Yunan laughed and waited for the food, but both of them stopped talking. First, they were not familiar with it. Second, both of them were not chatters at dinner.
This is quite the same.
Su Yun is a dancer who usually pays great attention to a balanced diet. In less than twenty minutes, the two of them finished eating.
Meng Yunan looked at Su Yun and put the tableware napkin on her lips, which was good for her rest. She smiled and said, "Miss Su is finished?"
Su Yun nodded "delicious"
Meng Yunan smiled and said, "Then let’s get down to business."
Section 13
Su Yun’s face did not hide his doubts. "What business?"
The only problem between them is that they were pregnant with stars that night, and the rest … seems to be nothing, right?

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E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 1E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **滋阴补肾**:鸽子汤被认为具有滋阴补肾的作用,适合肾虚、腰膝酸软、夜尿频多的人群。 2. **养颜美容**:鸽子肉富含胶原蛋白,常吃鸽子汤有助于补充皮肤所需的营养,达到养颜美容的效果。 3. **增强免疫力**:鸽子汤中含有丰富的氨基酸和微量元素,有助于提高人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。 4. **改善睡眠**:有些人认为鸽子汤有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦、睡眠质量不佳的人群有一定的辅助作用。 5. **调节肠胃**:鸽子汤具有温和的健脾养胃作用,对于消化不良、食欲不振等肠胃问题有一定的改善作用。 6. **补充体力**:鸽子汤含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,对于体力劳动者或需要补充能量的人群有很好的作用。 需要注意的是,虽然鸽子汤有诸多益处,但并非所有人都适合食用。以下人群应谨慎食用或避免食用: 1. 对鸽子或其他禽类过敏的人群。E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 2. 患有皮肤病、感冒发热等急性疾病的人群。 3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女等特殊人群应在医生指导下食用。 总之,鸽子汤作为一种传统汤品,具有一定的营养价值,但食用时应注意个人体质和健康状况。

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