Drop ten times with one strength!

Su Yu looked at these detained ministers and smiled coldly and said, "I know you must be angry with me, but so what?" Why didn’t you think that others would bully others? "
"It’s a pity that the king is not prepared to explain the opportunity to you. Don’t blame the king if you dare to break into the palace today!"
"Put them all in the dungeon!"
The ministers were not dumbfounded. I didn’t expect Su Yu to dare to admit his bad intentions like this, and then they flew into a rage and swore again.
"Su Yu! Are you trying to rebel? We are all pillars of the country, ministers of the country, and the empire will be impossible to operate without us. Do you dare to arrest us and want our empire to collapse! "
"Su Yu! Are you still a terran who should do such a thing that shakes the foundation of the country? If you don’t let us go now, you are betraying the Terran! "
"Su Yu, you must be a spy sent by the orcs! You destroy the balance of our empire. You destroy the stability of our empire. "
I have to say that these ministers’ languages are full of traps, threats and inducements. If it were not for another weak-minded generation, they would surely be shaken at this time and dare not do it. This is so bold, but the person who is doing it now is Su Yu!
On these ministers, if they shout Su Yu, they are indifferent! What’s more, Su Yu turned and walked into the courtyard as if nothing had happened in front of him!
Leave a determined figure to the group of ministers who are screaming at the top of their lungs. These ministers feel full of fear. It’s really annoying that Su Yu has turned a blind eye to her words.
"Angry old lady!"
One minister was so angry that he turned his eyes and foamed and fainted directly. This Su Yu was too overbearing and too strong! Even the Sulong-Sulu God of War has to keep his word!
Soon, the soldiers took all the ministers into custody, and the streets became quiet again, but just after such a big battle, this night was doomed to be a sleepless night.
When Su Yu returned to the hospital, she was greeted by a sunny day and handed a hot towel to smile. A pair of eyes looking at Su Yu’s eyes were full of admiration.
Nian Qing depends on her age, although Su Yu is a little older, she has her own mature woman’s unique charm, which is mature but feminine, just like Gu Youlan’s natural taste, which makes people refuse.
At this time, Nianqing, in accordance with this stupid touch, exudes a unique light that is fascinating and irresistible.
Looking at Nianqing, Su Yu couldn’t help but be a little crazy. She didn’t take the towel and put her face in the past and smiled and said, "You help me wipe it."
Nian Qingyi couldn’t help but be stunned and then the dress was angry and scolded lightly. "Why do you need someone to take care of you when you are not a child?"
It’s said that she is angry, but her face is full of pity. The sparkling eyes shine like the glittering pearls, which makes people can’t help but give birth to pity.
"This is the king’s order to let you wipe it for me!" Su Yu continued to stick her face forward, and her cheeks were close at hand, and she could hear each other breathing and smell each other.
This distance is a little too close …
Reading sunny and playing with white and tender can break your cheeks and instantly turn red, just like the beautiful peach blossoms in the blue sky.
"What are you doing so close to wiping?" Read Sunny. According to this female hero, she was shy and turned her head gently, just like the young girl next door, pure and beautiful.
Talking to read sunny in accordance with the already holding a towel Su Yu gently wipe up.
Although separated by a towel, Su Yu still felt that the lush fingers were soft as fine bones and white as lotus roots, showing a breathtaking beauty and charm.
Su Yu’s heart couldn’t help but stare at Nianqing when she took her hand back.
Read sunny in accordance with the full of shyness Bei tooth bite red lips gently scold a way "I have flowers on my face? Why are you staring at me like this? "
Su Yu smiled and said, "Yes, there are flowers on your face. It’s beautiful. I really want to kiss them."
"ah! Su Yu, what are you talking about? " Read fine in accordance with the not startled by Su Yu this straightforward words.
Then suddenly Su Yu did something that made Nianqing stupefied by the whole person.
171. Long live chapter 171? Hooray!
Feather in their ears potential pecked a mouthful of read sunny in accordance with.
Su Yu couldn’t help licking his lips and said with a aftertaste, "It smells good."
Read fine in accordance with can’t help but rigidly bit his lip qiao face is full of dull to Su Yu.
She really can’t endure Su Yu. This guy is really bold. At this level, her heart is flustered except shyness.
Nian Qing, a heroine who made the orcs frightened, actually panicked at this time. His heart was like a deer bumping into his whole head and thoughts flying around, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. His hands held each other tightly.
After all, Nian Qingyi is like a heroine, but she is just a woman. Although she has already secretly promised Su Yu’s heart, she has never been so close to a man. This feeling is really … wonderful.
Su Yu also seldom sees Nian Qing in this little womanly state. She can’t help but stretch out her hand and gently pinch Nian Qing on her cheek, then laugh and turn around and stride towards her room.
Read sunny in accordance with the just stood there for a long time all have no way to return to absolute being, such as mind finally wake up after read sunny in accordance with the teeth up JiaoChen dark scold a way "this little dare so frivolous me? How bold! If you don’t give him some color, he’s really a pair of days! Hey! "

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E:\bca\图片\u=3718251535,2311713419&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 1E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **滋阴补肾**:鸽子汤被认为具有滋阴补肾的作用,适合肾虚、腰膝酸软、夜尿频多的人群。 2. **养颜美容**:鸽子肉富含胶原蛋白,常吃鸽子汤有助于补充皮肤所需的营养,达到养颜美容的效果。 3. **增强免疫力**:鸽子汤中含有丰富的氨基酸和微量元素,有助于提高人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。 4. **改善睡眠**:有些人认为鸽子汤有助于改善睡眠质量,对于失眠多梦、睡眠质量不佳的人群有一定的辅助作用。 5. **调节肠胃**:鸽子汤具有温和的健脾养胃作用,对于消化不良、食欲不振等肠胃问题有一定的改善作用。 6. **补充体力**:鸽子汤含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,对于体力劳动者或需要补充能量的人群有很好的作用。 需要注意的是,虽然鸽子汤有诸多益处,但并非所有人都适合食用。以下人群应谨慎食用或避免食用: 1. 对鸽子或其他禽类过敏的人群。E:\bca\图片\u=3190953310,2718507603&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 2. 患有皮肤病、感冒发热等急性疾病的人群。 3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女等特殊人群应在医生指导下食用。 总之,鸽子汤作为一种传统汤品,具有一定的营养价值,但食用时应注意个人体质和健康状况。

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