And Pei Wende’s words were indeed unexpected, which proved this disturbing speculation of the stubborn old man.

"Chu Sheng is not sick, he is cursed by witchcraft."
Pei Wende, who is not going to hide from the villagers since the beginning, said so.
And behind him, he gently soothed Zhang Aunt Zhang Tu and nodded to prove Peiwende’s statement.
"Chu Sheng cursed the sorcery method, but the sorcerer has not been caught yet."
"Her vengeful and ruthless personality is likely to curse others in the village again. I’m here to put an end to this future trouble."
The understatement tone reveals a strong determination. Pei Wende doesn’t know that his guess is somewhat possible.
But even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, he will never let the old woman hurt her again under her eyelids.
The stubborn old man was really startled.
Even a great aunt Zhang looked up at her husband without shyness and consternation.
"ChuSheng … is cursed?"
In the face of his wife’s confused and fearful eyes, Zhang Tu nodded with a heavy face but did not deny Pei Wende’s rhetoric.
"But this is Wende, and this is the mountain."
"We are worried that there are others in the village besides Chu Sheng who are also stared at by that witch Zhu."
Chapter 33 matchmaking "daily"
Zhangjia village has a small population, at least less than most villages.
Therefore, after learning that there may be a sorcerer’s curse in the village, no matter whether they are in front of fields or in the neighborhood, they quickly gathered in the trees at the entrance of the village.
After Pei Wende checked one by one, he found no sign of witchcraft curse in the villagers.
However, considering that the former "borrowing money" did not show any signs of incantation, Pei Wende gave everyone a complete inspection and then recruited everyone to recite it again. shurangama mantra was gradually relieved
Pei Wende went to Xianji to confirm that the witch cursed Zhang Chusheng and did not curse others in the village.
It’s after all this tossing that the sun has set on the mountain.
"Wende! Thank you very much. "
While Zhang Tu helped the old people in the village to return to the village gap one by one, Aunt Zhang handed Pei Wende a cup of warm tea and wiped his forehead with a face of love.
"I’m fine, Aunt Zhang. This is all I should do."
With a long sigh of relief, Pei Wende did not feel depressed because the villagers did not believe it, but they were sincerely happy that they were not cursed by the witch.
Pei Wende doesn’t come to Zhangjiacun often, but he will come here every so often.
Therefore, Pei Wende is very familiar with these villagers, and it is the result that he most wants to see that they have no accident.
When the villagers learned that they were not cursed by the wizard, they complained that Pei Wende certainly didn’t see it.
"Everyone will understand you. They just haven’t figured it out yet."
Twist a head looked at with young players to explain what stubborn old man aunt Zhang said to Pei Wende with certainty.
"I know I don’t blame everyone."
Pei Wende clearly knows that this is the limitation of the times and all feudal dynasties.
Born and raised in Sri Lanka, villagers don’t have much knowledge. They are the simplest view of right and wrong to know the world.
To tell the truth, the fact that every villager can come here to accept his own inspection has greatly exceeded Pei Wende’s expectation.
From this, we can see that the villagers in Zhangjia Village still have some reliability in Pei Wende.
I think that the treatment of Qin Tianjian Chen Zhengdao and Li Gang was the attitude and vigilance that farmers should have to outsiders in this era-into the badlands’s unruly people is not just a formality.
"Look, it’s already dark. Just don’t go back to the mountain tonight."
"For the time being, my family will live in the Chusheng room for one night, and the bedding is ready-made. I’ll call you Zhang Shu to send you to the mountain."
Hear great aunt Zhang say that Pei Wende first one leng then smiled and shook his head.
"Thank you, Aunt Zhang"
"But I don’t think I can stay in the village tonight because I have some things to deal with."
However, in the face of Pei Wende’s rejection of Aunt Zhang, it seems as if he had expected it.
"Wende, I know what you are going to do."
"But you have to plan it yourself. Since the wizard doesn’t plan to continue pestering you, don’t get yourself into trouble again."
"After all, although I am a woman, I also know that the wizard is definitely not that simple."
"If you keep bothering her, you will certainly be in danger yourself."
What Aunt Zhang said at the moment can almost be said to represent the attitude of the vast majority of farmers to "danger"
In the face of exceeding their own cognition, they can endure it.
Especially when it comes to their relatives and friends, they don’t want any danger to the people around them.
Silently staring at a serious face, Aunt Zhang and Pei Wende felt a long-lost affection from each other that was different from their parents.
Pei Wende knows that the other party really regards himself as a relative and will say such "discouraging words" to himself.
But it is also because of this that Pei Wende has strengthened his determination.
"Aunt Zhang, I know the danger."
"But I know better that the old witch won’t let it go."
"I must find her as soon as possible, whether it’s you or others who may be killed by her."
Maybe I know that this kind of rhetoric can’t be said by Aunt Zhang Pei Wende. When she said this, her tone was a meal, and then she continued.
"If you really want to say something dangerous, you should be more worried about the old witch now."
"After all, I can beat her back once and beat her back twice."
"Or do you have no confidence in me?"
Hear Pei Wende this rhetorical question Aunt Zhang left a wry smile on her face.
"You this child didn’t listen to advice at an early age …"
"If only you were half obedient as Chu Sheng, it would save your master from worrying about your trouble outside every day."
Although the mouth is complaining, I can know that Wende’s mind has been made up. Aunt Zhang did not continue to pester this question, but asked a more unexpected question
"Wende, are you ten years old this year?"
"Have you considered marrying a wife? Do you need aunt Zhang to introduce you to one? "
This sudden change of topic made Pei Wende show consternation expression.
"Er … this …"
I don’t know if Pei Wende is under illusion. He always feels that Aunt Zhang seems to have already found the target for himself before asking this question.
"I haven’t thought about this kind of thing. Is someone asking you to give a matchmaker?"
Hearing this, Aunt Zhang nodded her head unabashedly, because she had been thinking about it for a long time.

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