"What about Baigu Mountain?" Guo yi asked again

Bones Mountain is one of the seven evil places, but the owner is the ghost king of the grave. Guo Yi doesn’t care that Bones Mountain dies. The little hen is generally a saint, that is, Li Xiaoyan.
Li Xiaoyan, but Guo Yi’s first emotional girl, was simply his first love. Although Guo Yi now loves Su E, the first love is the first love, and it is always the best and most unforgettable memory.
Mr. Chiba and the old beggar were silent this time. They both knew that Guo Yi and Li Xiaoyan were different, and they both chose not to talk at the same time.
Because they know that Guo Yi will go crazy if he knows about it.
Even Liu Er turned her head to one side at this time and didn’t seem to want to get involved. After all, Yun Xianer was one of them. If Guo Yi knew about Yin and them at this time, she still ordered Yun Xianer to kill Li Xiaoyan. Then Liu Er might be brutally retaliated by Guo Yi.
In fact, Liu Er only met with Yin Yin and had nothing to say with Yun Xianer. After Yun Xianer killed Li Xiaoyan, Liu Er was the one who wanted to kill Yun Xianer the most.
They don’t say that someone will always say that they saw a Taoist priest step out of the cloud with a sword on his back and then crossed the desolate ancient road.
This man is none other than Xuantian, the palm teacher of Xuanji Mountain, and of course the only one who is still alive in Xuanji Mountain.
On that day, when Yin slaughtered Xuanji Mountain, Xuantianzheng was closed in a secret place and escaped that robbery.
"There was chaos in Bones Mountain, and the other two giants teamed up with Bones Mountain to defeat the ghost king and master the sacred order of Bones Mountain Palm Teaching. Now the owner of Bones Mountain has become a corpse and a public servant, and it has become a first-class yin messenger."
Xuan Tian was so angry with Yin that he killed all the people, and even his tunic was blown away.
Guo Yi knew that Wu Xingtian had become a Yin person, but what surprised him was that Yun Xianer actually went to Bones Mountain. What was she doing there?
Xuan Tian took a look at Guo Yi’s face, rain or shine, and then added, "It is said that the daughter of the ghost king, the virgin ghost Ji, died, and even the heart in the body was dug away and the body was thrown into the mountain stream to feed the wild dogs."
"What did you say? Say it again? " Guo Yi’s eyes suddenly became latosolic red, and he grabbed Xuantian garments and gave him up from the ground.
"I was thrown into the mountain stream to feed the wild dogs." When I heard this sentence, Guo Yi’s heart suddenly beat hard, as if it had been hit by a sledgehammer.
Although Xuan Tian was still shouldering her hands with Guo Yi’s skirt, she repeated, "Yin Nv poached the nine ghosts in the saint’s body, saying that this nine ghosts heart is a jack-o’-lantern, so that the heart can live with nine mysterious fires. She poached the nine ghosts heart of the saint to deal with you."
Every word in Xuantian is like a knife, and every knife cuts Guo Yixin.
Guo Yi burst out laughing after a long time, and the clouds in the mountains were shocked and swallowed.
Guo Yi has believed in the mysterious words. If the nine-orifices ghost heart can really restrain the nine-change mysterious fire, then Yun Xianer will surely try every means to get the nine-orifices ghost heart, because there is a ray of mysterious fire in her body that can suppress the mysterious fire and not be controlled by Guo Yi.
After Guo Yixiao, he suddenly became quiet. He looked up faintly and looked at Xuanji Mountain. The whole person seemed very calm, but everyone could feel a chill coming out of his body as if even the gas was frozen.
"Deal with me, deal with me … YunXianEr you deal with me is necessary to move her"
Guo Yi closed his eyes tightly, and then Huo Ran stepped one step at a time and suddenly broke an ancient road. He turned into a black-and-white double-color dragon and flew directly towards Fang Xuanji Hall.
"Hey Guo rogue, you don’t want to be impulsive. You have arranged tight encirclement for the mysterious mountain. You are prepared. You don’t want to die." The old beggar shouted behind him.
Mr. Chiba also cried, "Guo rogue, where did you get the ghost flower demon Ji?" I am in a hurry! "
Guo Yi can’t hear their voices at this time, leaving four people alone and still silently damaging the ancient road.
Mr. Chiba tried to chase him, but Liu Er stopped him with one hand and stared at him. "You go to the ghost king of the corpse river and the ghost king of the corpse river will take you to solve your poison."
Mr. Chiba was overjoyed when he heard this. Obviously, it seems to him that Feng Chu’s words are much more reliable than Guo Yi’s.
And Xuan Tian has been flying behind Guo Yi to the mountain mystery hall. He and Yin hate each other, which is absolutely no less than Guo Yi.
On the contrary, the old beggar is the most leisurely one. Mr. Chiba is about to leave and asks with a smile, "What poison did you get in the old man? How can you be associated with the ghost flower demon Ji?"

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