Huangfu Shaoye stared at her deeply, but saw her with her eyes slightly closed, her eyelashes slender, her nose curled up, her lips slightly curved, and she smiled somewhat comfortably, so that she was as beautiful as a water lily blooming quietly in the water.

Huangfu Shaoye didn’t disturb her. She was holding her hand behind her to prevent the ship from shaking. If she fell into the water unsteadily, let her enjoy the peace of this moment. Just because she is lively and lang doesn’t mean that she has no worries and sorrows in her heart. Ji Jiu told him that she wants to come to her and defend her mother’s dignity. It must be a great pressure to fight for justice with her father.
Don’t wronged him, you can help her vent her anger. Don’t be fair. He can help her beg for it, but it’s more appropriate for her to do it herself. She can get rid of her anger by herself, and he believes she can do it.
"Shao Ye, do you smell it?" Lu Xiaoning asked faintly.
"Smell what?"
"The fragrance of lotus flowers is faint and sweet in the wind of this lake."
HuangFuShaoYe slightly a moreover "well smell"
Sweet is sweet, but sweet in heart. Isn’t it sour and sweet to like someone with her around?
Lu Xiaoning opened his eyes, but he saw patches of water lilies floating on the lake in front of him, standing on a clear water and blooming quietly towards the moonlight like water, telling a dream-like mind.
The ship gradually sailed to the small island in the middle of the lake, and there were several lights faintly.
Lu Xiaoning turned to ask him, "Are we going to the island?"
HuangFuShaoYe don’t show traces of hand back behind him.
"There’s a clause on this island, but it’s a rare island in recent years. I borrowed it because I wanted it to be quiet here," Huangfu Shaoye said.
Soon the ship landed, Huangfu Shaoye took Lu Xiaoning’s hand and stepped on the pedal carefully to board the island.
The birthday dinner for two people was set in the gazebo on the hillside, where the night wind blows gently and the fragrance floats. Only the hidden moon interweaves with dreamy scenery and the distant scenery faintly returns to the sweet silk and bamboo. This place is really picky, and just sitting here is very beautiful to enjoy.
There are attendants pouring wine for Lu Xiaoning.
Lu Xiaoning remembered that he was embarrassed when he got drunk and made a fool of himself in front of him.
HuangFuShaoYe smiled and said, "If you want to drink more, just three cups."
She drinks a little better than Zo In Sung and Gu Shifeng, but he and she have important things to do every day and can’t drink too much. It’s time to get drunk.
Lu Xiaoning smiled wryly, thinking that he had a shadow over the incident and dared not let her drink too much.
Chapter 44 I like you
They were drinking wine and enjoying the night scene. Lu Xiaoning told him about some stories and interesting things in Huai ‘an, and before they knew it, it was midnight when the bell and drum struck three.
Lu Xiaoning raised his glass. "Happy birthday to you!"
Huangfu Shaoye gladly raises his glass and silently wishes you a happy birthday!
Put the glass down, Huangfu Shaoye got up and walked out of the pavilion, looking at the night and listening to the song. "What is this song?"
Lu Xiaoning also stepped out of the gazebo. Looking from this direction, there is a painting boat floating far from the lake. It seems that the silk and bamboo will continue to come out of this painting boat tonight.
This song, Lu Xiaoning, has heard of my cousin, and he can play the song "Feng Qiu Huang". I can’t help but feel glad that I haven’t been stopped.
"It should be Feng Qiuhuang!"
HuangFuShaoYe negative behind hand made a sign, attendants immediately toward the lake also made a sign.
"Oh, it turned out to be a phoenix seeking to burn." Huangfu Shaoye suddenly chanted to the moon, "Feng Xi Feng Xi returned to his hometown to travel around the world seeking to burn.
When I haven’t met Xi, I will realize this and rise to the hall! There is a beautiful lady in the boudoir, and I am poisoned by my intestines, and I am flying together. "
When Huangfu Shaoye chanted "Yuan Jiao Yuan Yang Hu Jie Xi Soaring Together", he looked askance at Lu Xiaoning, as deep as the deep-water eyes in this quiet night.
Lu Xiaoning’s heart couldn’t help but beat faster. He couldn’t even look at Feng Qiuhuang. This song is a sincere and passionate love story, and its meaning is self-evident. Is he expressing his love to her through this song?
Lu Xiaoning licked some dry lips and said, "Is this original boat going to float in the lake all night?"
Huangfu Shaoye smiled. "Maybe!"
Is she shy? Her face is red and her white face is pink. She is cute and attractive.
"How do you pronounce the second half? I forgot "HuangFuShaoYe don’t want to let her go.
Lu Xiaoning blushed and said, "I won’t either."
Turn around and want to run back to the gazebo.
Is HuangFuShaoYe hold laughs "run? I’m not a gentleman. If you can’t answer, I’ll hit your palm. "
"Who said I ran away? I am "Lu Xiaoning can’t remember what she wants to say because she has been shocked by the scene before her.
Seeing the lights on the lake gradually formed the word "Happy Birthday".
What’s-what’s going on? Lu Xiaoning looked at the change of the lake in disbelief.
A pair of hands grabbed her waist from behind, and he stuck his generous and solid chest to her. A soft voice sounded in her ear, "Happy Xiao Ning’s birthday. May her age last forever."
This sudden act of intimacy and congratulations on this birthday. Lu Xiaoning felt that his brain was like a crash before he asked drily, "How do you know that today is my birthday?"
After all the arrangements, how much thought does it take to make such a big battle? And the boat that floated in the lake all night and played the piano all night. Now she is all white. What she said about letting her spend her birthday with him is actually that he wants to give her a birthday.
"I want to know your birthday is not easy? Even if it is not easy to have a heart, nothing is impossible, "said HuangFuShaoYe.
Her ears are all red, and she looks like she’s about to bleed.
He was nervous too, but seeing that she was more nervous than he was, he was not nervous.
Although Xiao Ning is usually as handsome as a man, she is so shy.
Being held by him so close to landing, Xiao Ning can almost feel his chest beating strongly. His lips are whispering in her ear, and the warm breath is sprayed in her ear. Lu Xiaoning feels that half of his body is numb and numb, and his whole body is hot and hot, and he is even more dizzy.
Lu Xiaoning secretly despises herself. In this respect, she has a good theoretical level and practical experience. It is not fatal at all, but she actually feels quite good to be held by him like this.

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