This can never be the black mine, because the whole mine where the black mine is located produces light alum, which is still in the stone painting!

Xiao asked to inhale slowly and let himself calm down slowly. In this process, naturally, the situation of the mine will be seen more carefully. The purple in the stone wall around him is extremely shallow, which means that the content of dazzling purple iron is not high, but looking into the depths of the mine, you can see that the purple of the stone wall is becoming more and more dense.
Xiao Wen consciously walked to the depths of the mine. His experience in the past six months can roughly tell that the content of dazzling purple iron in the stone wall is slowly rising from less than 10% to more than 10% and then to 235% …
When the content of dazzling purple iron exceeds 50%, Xiao Wen has completely covered up his shock. As far as he knows, 50% of the ore has been completely rich. If it appears in the outside world, it must be those mine bosses who want to win the mine source if they break their heads!
However, Xiao Wen now faces the reality that the mine is far from over and the content of dazzling purple iron in the rock wall is still steadily high!
Seventy percent, ninety percent …
Xiao Wen is going crazy. He is afraid to go any further.
Because there has always been such a situation in the celestial world, the pure process of refining materials is complex and consumes a lot. For the overall consideration, in many cases, materials with purity of 90% can already be qualified and put into fairy refining.
That is to say, the ore with a purity of 90% is actually not an ore, but can be used as a refining material! Now, Xiao Wen’s mine is full of bright purple, and no ore is 90% pure! ! !
Where the hell is this? It’s just a pile of ready-made refining materials piled up here, but it’s just stuck together!
The most exaggerated thing is that Xiao Wen of this mine hasn’t come to an end yet. According to the previous trend, there is absolutely 100% pure dazzling purple iron ore behind it. No, it can no longer be called ore. That is absolutely pure dazzling purple iron!
Xiao Wen, with a dull face, continued to walk in and counted the interest. As he expected, he saw absolutely pure dazzling purple iron on the wall of the mine. At this time, his thinking was really stagnant. Some inherent thoughts rooted in his mind for more than ten years were being washed away by the current of dazzling purple iron …
The mine is very big, and these dazzling purple irons are almost limited. How many fairy stones can I change if I move out? I blow up! It’s too fucking small-scale peasant thinking. Why change the fairy stone at this time? If you want to change, change the fairy stone! Not extremely immortal stone! It is no longer a dream to rely on these dazzling purple irons to be rich and enemies! And Xiao asked him the greatest goal of his life in Xianshi, that is, one hundred pole Xianshi is his ultimate hope, right?
Almost a generation of practitioners have been refining pure materials intermittently, which has always been the most important thing in their homework. The energy consumption is simply limited. Those experts in pure materials in the celestial world are highly respected. Some people have won the name of the master just because of this. Now Xiao Wen suddenly feels that those masters are too weak in everything. Do you still have to spend energy on pure materials in this generation if he has stone paintings in his hand? Not only don’t spend it, but it’s better than those masters!
Then it comes to the most important point, that is, there can be no dazzling purple iron theory in stone paintings, and there are materials in the outermost ring of the compass! And the amount is no less than dazzling purple iron!
This is really too hard, which is the biggest reason why Xiao Wen completely stood on the spot!
I don’t know how long it took Xiao Wen to gradually return to god, and then his first thought was to go back to the compass to see if there was any light alum on it!
Xiao Wen, the energy flow of the body, the earth and the air, easily found it, and the whole person suddenly flew out through the mine and the mountain forest and quickly flew back to the hut
I don’t know when the compass has flown to the middle school. Xiao asked to reach for the compass directly after the discomfort disappeared, but he was not in a hurry to inspire him to move his eyes to the hut. There were only two things left, and the corners of his mouth were gently lifted.
A mine basket and a mine hoe are quietly placed in the corner, which are the two most important tools for mining.
Xiao Wen went directly to the mine basket with one hand. Looking at it carefully, it was made of bamboo. full of green was elegant in shape and looked at it very lightly, which made Xiao Wen feel fond of it. In addition, he had an intuition that the mine basket was actually not a common thing, and it was probably also a fairy!
After playing for a while, Xiao Wen directly carried the mine basket on his back, which felt quite comfortable. It was tens of thousands of times stronger than the inferior basket he used to have in the black mine.
Then Xiao Wen solemnly picked up the mine hoe next to him. Before he started, he had already seen that the mine hoe was extraordinary.
The light gold hoe actually exudes a holy breath. The seal cutting pattern is simple but smooth. Look at this hoe. Where dare you regard it as an ordinary mine hoe? It’s a craft. But look at the dark gold hoe. Although the system is simple, it looks beautiful, but the texture and the cutting edge are not really good. It’s definitely bad!
If the mine basket is a treasure, this mine hoe is even more valuable! Xiao asked that the feeling of holding a mine hoe with one hand is still a little heavy, but he can be sure that once he holds it with both hands, it is absolutely comfortable.
Then Xiao Wen eagerly inspired the compass in his left hand.
Brown compass quickly became bigger and stood in front of Xiao Wen like a cliff again.
The names of all materials in the largest circumferential band are on. Xiao Wen pulled himself together and looked for them one by one.
After reading less than 400 material names, Xiao Wen finally stopped. At this time, his eyes were focused on the two characters of "light alum", which exuded dim light!
The word "light alum", which is the energy of the body, immediately shines and then he rushes out from the hut again!
After counting interest, Xiao Wen stopped in a mine hole to look around, except for light alum ore or light alum ore, and the purity is higher as he goes deeper.
"Shout …"
Xiao asked a long sigh of relief. At that time, the whole person almost collapsed. At this moment, he suppressed his strength for half a year. Every day, he thought about escape and revenge. He was really a little venting.
He is not content, but confident that he can leave the black mine in a short time! He has a high spiritual level, and his self-recognition has reached the extreme in the past 20 years.
Self-confidence has always been very important to cultivate immortals, which is the key part of soul practice in three levels of practice: physical body, Taoist body and soul.
Because Tao-body practice can often drive the physical body to a higher level, the celestial world often calls the physical body and Tao-body practice self-cultivation, while the soul practice is called mind cultivation. Xiao Wen has actually taken a big step forward passively by reality in mind cultivation.
When Xiao Wen vibrated again in the mine, his whole body seemed to be brisk for a few minutes, and then he walked directly to the depths of the mine with a hoe.
In the end, Xiao Wen stopped in front of the 60% light alum mine to pick up the ore basket, and then pumped the geogas energy into the ore hoe and chiseled the ore hoe into the ore rock. The highest content of light alum mine has appeared in the black mine, but 70% of the few light alum mines have made a mine slave free. Xiao Wen actually didn’t need to mine too much to collect enough shares at this time.
A hoe waving Xiao asked what a carefree feeling.
But the energy consumption of the earth and gas is not too big, is it? According to this situation, in fact, we can’t wield dozens of those geogas energy, and we will run out.

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