When Zuo Tangtang was finally satisfied with the beautiful screenshots in his document, Kelp also took her to a secluded bamboo house.

While the front is impressively a peach blossom island female brother dressed figure.
"This is …" Kelp wanted to introduce but heard a more exciting sound coming from the headset.
"Big sister!"
Like a small firecracker, Zuo Tangtang was very excited and rushed away.
Ok … I didn’t shout the wrong generation this time … Kelp comforted myself, but? Well, if that’s the case, no matter how much he corrected it before, it couldn’t change her "four younger brothers", "three younger brothers" and "two younger brothers". So who does this girl … take herself for?
Kelp a little don’t want to think about this problem.
"The elder martial sister Li Hanqiu was originally the righteous granddaughter of Li Shanchang, a national hero, but …" Kelp still tells these background stories as usual. "It can be said that in our opinion, she is the strongest martial arts among the four brothers."
"You can tell!" Zuo Tangtang was excited to talk with her in front of Li Hanqiu, trying to see something from the stereotyped answer.
"…" She didn’t listen at all!
After talking about a string of elder martial sisters’ past kelp, she finally got a four-word reply, which was obviously a little fried, but fortunately, Zuo Tangtang received a sentence that showed that she had listened to everything except "the highest martial arts"
"Hey? Do you mean that you can’t beat the elder martial sister every day, but you still come here day after day to queue up and get beaten? " Zuo Tangtang’s mind turned and he was puzzled. "What is your hobby?" to be continued
Ps a bean is very sad today! My heart is very stuffed! Always stand firm and diligent! I cann’t believe I’ve been throwing myself at the bottom of the pit for more than a month? ! I’ve always been too lazy to read all kinds of notices, and a bean finally tasted the bitter fruit before I realized that the diligence requirements have changed. Think about it. For more than a month, a bean has marched forward happily, and the logistics gentleman is crying sadly in the pit. A bean has not heard it? How sad this is!
But it’s 400 chapters (more than 400 thousand times more than a bean thought at the beginning).
A bean is about to end, although it seems that I suddenly found out how I pressed all the important plots into the fourth quarter. =3= But ~ It’s so-called that it’s time to get ready ~ The fourth quarter ~ Coming ~
[4] Chapter four hundred and one That has never been met]
"Off! It’s falling! It’s falling! ! ! Ah! ! ! ….. Really dropped. "
From nervousness to heartbreaking to the last expression, Zuo Tangtang felt that he was really suffering from the dense malice of this world.
Not far away, the kelp at the top of a hill looked back and had almost slipped off the edge of the cliff. Zuo Tangtang didn’t say a word.
Can he say that it is like the conclusion that Tutudi possessed hooves and hoofs and gave himself 200% crit damage?
"Kelp! Kelp! Kelp ….. "Zuo Tangtang nervously watched the screen get stuck in a gentle slope the size of a palm, and if he was not careful, he would slide down to the bottomless abyss, shouting kelp like chanting for help.
Kelp nai sighed and turned his head to Zuo Tangtang’s position.
"You watch ~" The top of the mountain that slipped from Zuo Tangtang was not as nervous as her. The kelp slipped steadily from one side and was not controlled by its own role. With no foothold, the mountain was slippery.
Kelp is extremely dangerous in such a dangerous situation.
Two big leaps came to Zuo Tangtang’s small gentle slope and gestured patiently. "Here, a cloud can come directly and stop for a while, and then the second jump frame will recruit the second jump to this point. See? Well, you can’t stop here. You can fly here one by one, and finally you can jump here directly. "
Zuo Tangtang looked at walking on the cliff like walking in the sea, and the depression in her heart made her speechless.
She has a broken hand.
She knows this better than that.
However, with the familiarity with various skills and effects in battlefield practice and the confidence in grasping the opportunity, Zuo Tangtang’s ability has reached a great level.
But here …
Zuo Tangtang looked at the desolation in front of him and couldn’t say anything.
It’s worse here than climbing the wall!
The wall is at least limited to the ladder, and one day it will hit a dead end.
And here?
Looking up at the front, there is almost no place where a slap can be stabilized, and the place less than one meter away from her is full of clouds-the abyss. She is already wondering if she wants to send it while she is still alive.
"Hurry up ~" Kelp urged at the top of the mountain.
Come on, peat
Zuo Tangtang, who has long been black-faced, is swearing in his heart.
The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Kelp was deliberately playing in Peach Blossom Island. She also saw three younger brothers and senior sisters. Just as Kelp would take her to visit the island owner, Kelp gave Zuo Tangtang, who was still in the horse, a lift around Houdao.
He also plausibly said that he was taking her to see the sea of clouds.
Nonsense! It’s pink here! You can see the scene at a glance outside the island. You have to go around so far?
And you have to go through bumps all the way, you can’t ride a horse, you can’t do manual exercises, you can limit lightness skills and switch moves, you can climb over the rugged rocks one after another, and you can go to the damn destination mentioned by Kelp near the top of the abyss.
Up to now, she still doubts the truth of kelp’s statement, okay?

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