This tone, this tone, Ye Zhang’s heart is like a raging storm, and his brain is flashed across, and the whole person has a feeling of numbness

Lin Youxuan!
When he knew his line so well, he knew his refrigerator like the back of his hand. At this time, Ye Zhang looked at the whole room almost consciously to find out where the camera was installed
"If you don’t find your bodyguards, they are very professional. I can’t directly tamper with them in your home, but even if they are Liu Jian, they can’t touch the outside world to dismantle my satellite. Come on, consider it. If this meal is on me!"
Chapter seven hundred and ninety Ambition and betrayal
"See you!"
When the residual blood learned from Ye Zhang that Lin Youxuan had made an appointment, he suddenly got up from the same place. At this time, Ye Zhang saw the wind heart degenerate and did not know where to pull out a gun and then clicked and tried a gun chamber.
The whole process made Ye Zhang nervous immediately. He remembered the flashy three times and suspected that Lin Youxuan was a complete madman. He didn’t need a reason to do anything, and if he mastered the reason, I’m afraid the world would be dangerous.
At this time, the residual blood suddenly revealed a smile and raised my hand to press the wind heart to fall and play with the gunman’s mouth with a smile
"Wind heart, what are you doing? Put the gun away and don’t scare Ye Zhang."
Ye Zhang doesn’t think Lin Youxuan will treat him to dinner simply and kindly at this time. It is very likely that he can’t get in here and wants to catch them all outside.
"Ye Zhang, relax, punk. Let’s go!"
Residual blood with clothes and teddy boy will go out at this moment beauty stood in the doorway face a sink a mouth to say
"Brother Blood can’t go!"
Moment beauty words just felt the residual blood body that momentum, but then the momentum disappeared residual blood light a smile.
"It’s not a big deal, Ye Zhang. Let’s go."
Seeing that the bloody face was calm, Ye Zhang also suppressed the manic heartbeat at this time. He nodded and there was a strange expectation in his heart. Maybe this was a more dangerous gambling, but Ye Zhang always believed that his life was hard enough.
Left the community and walked towards the agreed place of Lin Youxuan. It was a small restaurant, but it was not remote. This time was the hottest season of cold winter mala Tang, and Lin Youxuan chose this place. Unless he was really crazy enough to want to make a scene, he would never choose this place to start work.
This road is not long, but Ye Zhang feels that his heart is heavier than his heart. If there is no flashy conspiracy, maybe Tao An has never looked for him, then Ye Zhang may still be the little whirlwind who knows his natural enemies, and he Lin Youxuan can make one of the richest men in China.
But all this can’t be turned back. At the moment of turning the corner, Ye Zhang felt that the residual blood beside him exuded a kind of venting anger. This is a murderous look. It is the law that has this bloodthirsty murder.
However, with the footsteps of the remnant blood, every step made this murder dissipate with the cold winter wind. When Ye Zhang saw Lin Youxuan smiling at him, the remnant blood’s murder had disappeared.
Ye Zhang remembered the calmness of punk’s first injury and residual blood in the hospital, but the second time punk was shot, residual blood still didn’t show any anger. Ye Zhang once meant that residual blood was too cold-blooded, but at this moment he knew that people like them had never seen anything, so it can be said that this life was not his own.
They are not as crazy as ordinary people to vent their feelings, but in a seemingly cynical attitude, they reveal a few strands of nostalgia for the past.
"I don’t think you can drink wine. Just ask everyone to help themselves."
At this time, Lin Youxuan looks very normal. He doesn’t look crazy at all, and in Ye Zhang’s memory, Lin Youxuan has never been crazy. Can one show the love in the soft eyes of his father and lover in an online game package?
No one has eaten anything. Who can eat this scene? Lin Youxuan is a person and I don’t know how confident he is to recognize Ye Zhang. These people won’t call the police in advance. When Ye Zhang pays attention to Lin Youxuan’s expression, he finds that the other party is also observing him.
"You can come to this day without wasting my original cultivation. You have grown up."
Lin Youxuan’s gentle words touched Ye Zhang’s heart and he had no reason to refute each other. He was able to go to Jie Shen today, and Lin Youxuan was his first Bole, and at this moment, Ye Zhang had an incredible idea.
Do you really know you best with your enemies and opponents?
At that time, Ye Zhang became a public enemy. He almost went to the road and faced Shen Cen’s silence. Caesar stood by, but Feng Zhi was the only one who could come out and support him. He became his brother today from his greatest enemy in his life.
However, Ye Zhang’s parents neglected him from childhood, but found a kind of fatherly love in Lin Youxuan.
"Don’t thank me. If you don’t have ambition, even if I give you 100 million, you will still be ruined by this group of people!"
Lin Youxuan temper at this time Ye Zhang looked up and looked at his brow wrinkled together gradually.
The first time he said he was ambitious, Jie Shen got up on Caesar’s shoulder because of ambition, and the second time Xu Yin threw the overture of the undead in the deep blue sea because of ambition. The third time Caesar was a sheep for the fourth time, and then Feng Zhi. Finally, Ye Zhang personally walked into Honggao Somali night and told Feng Zhi this sentence.
Lin Youxuan said this sentence and leaned against the back chair and drank a mouthful of wine from the bottle. This sample is not much different from an ordinary half-century old man.
"You want to give me a management limit?"
Ye Zhang asked this question at this time, which kept wandering in his mind and made him puzzled. At this time, Lin Youxuan seemed to finally hear a more interesting topic. He moved his body and looked at Ye Zhang with a look of wanting more, and then said,
"I never gave you a management limit and you earned it all yourself."
This sentence made Ye Zhang stunned but once again the waves rolled. At this moment, Ye Zhang’s mind had a more strange feeling about the flashy online game.
"I set two rules in the design of flashy, and these two rules are intended to trigger one to have part of the management limit of flashy, and you, Ye Zhang, not only triggered one of them, but also triggered the other one."
Lin Youxuan’s words made Ye Zhang’s heart move. He suddenly remembered Tao An’s words about Lin Youxuan.
Lin Youxuan is not a so-called genius. He lacks inspiration and creative thinking. He needs to accumulate experience through personal experience in reality, and glitz is a summary of his two years, but glitz can realize value but not create value.
At this time, Ye Zhang suddenly turned white.
What is Lin Youxuan’s road? In this unacceptable road, he encountered many obstacles and realized his self-worth. He chose the most inhuman and extreme road.

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### 药效 1. **补肝肾**:许多寄生植物具有补肝肾的作用,如桑寄生、槲寄生等,能够增强肝肾的功能。 E:\bca\图片\u=434014116,2108959724&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 2E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif. **强筋骨**:寄生植物如桑寄生、槲寄生等,可以用于治疗筋骨疼痛、腰膝酸软等症状。 3. **祛风湿**:如桑寄生、榭寄生等,对于风湿性关节炎、关节疼痛等症状有缓解作用。 4. **安胎**:一些寄生植物如桑寄生、榭寄生等,可用于治疗胎动不安、先兆流产等。 5. **降压**:榭寄生等寄生植物具有降低血压的作用,适用于高血压患者。 6. **降胆固醇**:榭寄生等寄生植物可降低血清胆固醇,有助于心血管健康。 7. **利尿**:榭寄生等寄生植物具有利尿作用,可帮助排除体内多余水分。 8. **抗菌**:部分寄生植物如榭寄生等,具有抑制细菌生长的作用。 9. **抗病毒**:榭寄生等寄生植物对某些病毒有抑制作用,如流感病毒等。 10. **改善皮肤状况**:某些寄生植物如榭寄生等,可改善皮肤干燥症状。 ### 应用 1. **中药配方**:寄生植物常被用于中药配方中,与其他药材配伍,发挥协同作用。 E:\bca\图片\u=12460107,2145896398&fm=193&f=GIF.jfif 2. **治疗疾病**:寄生植物可用于治疗多种疾病,如肝肾不足、筋骨疼痛、风湿性疾病、高血压、胎动不安等。 3. **保健养生**:一些寄生植物如桑寄生等,可用来泡茶或煎汤饮用,达到保健养生的目的。 4. **美容护肤**:部分寄生植物如榭寄生等,可用于美容护肤,改善皮肤状况。 总之,寄生植物在中医药学中具有广泛的药用价值,其药效与应用在传统中医理论和现代医学研究中都得到了证实。在使用寄生植物时,建议在专业中医师的指导下进行,以确保用药安全有效。

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